The Lego Church Project has been going on for a very long time. Over the years I’ve done many displays. To the point that I’m still amazed and humbled by the reactions I get from my work. When I get to do a display a lot of things take place. From both the reactions of the kids and the older adults. Everyone who I run into seems to enjoy my work. To the point that it can be an honest toss up as to who enjoys it more. LEGO itself is enjoyed by people of all ages. You scroll though Jay’s Brick Blog, The Brothers Brick, or even New Elementary, you soon find an impressive group of adult builders dedicated to the hobby. I am humbled that people consider me part of this.
As the years have gone on the reactions become important for me. A fair judge about what to expect. The kids, of course, enjoy my work because it is LEGO. For many The Project is bigger than them. They spend countless time looking inside and trying to capture every detail. Sometimes pointing out things, that in the course of building, I forgot that I had included. It truly amazing to see their eyes light up as they view what I have done for the year.
The older people come with a bit more reflecting. Many remember a time when the churches were full each Mass. A time when the faith played a major role in our lives. When family was truly important and people came together to share. They often see themselves inside my work. Learning about the challenges that I face as I go into detail as to what motivates me.
It is though my work that I hope to inspire and give hope to people of all ages. The reactions and the comments I get tell the story of what I do and keeps me motivated year after year.
Michigan News Source
Recently I was interviewed by Katie Heid from Michigan News Source. A wonderful article about my work and covering a lot of ground.
LEGO and Liturgy (Michigan News Source)
Dave Bondy interview
Also got to sit down with Dave Bondy for a wonderful video interview. Covering the usual topics related to my work and how I am looking for displays for this current Season. If you get a chance please check out his Substack and other platforms.
Still looking for displays!
I am still looking for parishes to bring Season 24 out to. If you know of a parish and they can provide transportation please have them reach out. For more information check out the previous issue for more details.
Important Info:
The Lego Church Project (FB Page)
Twitter: @kc8wzm