God made me to know Him.
O! what a blessed aim!
To love Him and serve Him
Sure rests in the same.
It’s heaven begun
For the grateful on earth.
To treasure aright—
Highest Heaven, its worth. -Blessed Solanus Casey
Being thankful for what we have is some thing that is often overlooked in our current society. So busy in our own world we often forget the importance of being grateful. We go about our lives with hardly a thanks to God for what He has done for us. In times of joy and sorrow. We take everything that we have for granted.
Twenty-five years ago I turned what had been a child’s hobby into something more profound. Over the years it has transformed into this disability focused ministry. It has allowed me to share my mission and my talents in ways that not even I could understand or see.
I have always tried to have a deep sense of gratitude. To know that with out Christ in my life. Nothing I do would even come close to being possible. Such as sharing the faith creatively has I have these past twenty-five years. As I head into the end of the current season and starting to prepare for the next. I put everything before God and seek Him in my life.
I am thankful to my friends, family, and those who support me. To those who react to these posts here and on my other platforms. Your support means the world to me. It allows me to push though even when things are not going according to the (LEGO) instructions.
May The Holy Spirit Guide my mission and my work. -
Assumption Bazaar/Display recap
On Nov 9th and 10th I was over in Midland, MI for my third year. I took part in both the Holiday Bazaar along with a parish display. It was a very good time for me. I had a lot of fun. My thanks to John Graveline for providing the transportation. Also want to thank the members of the parish for making me feel very welcome.
During the display a child asked me good question. The post has the answer.
Catholic News Agency story
On Nov 4th I was featured in an article by Catholic News Agency. This is a follow up to one done a few years ago. Wanted to share it here in case anyone missed it.
Michigan Man Builds up the Catholic Church -CNA
Pious Reflections Interview
Over the years I’ve had a chance to go on some amazing programs and give some great interviews. Recently I had a chance to sit down with Pious Reflections to talk about faith, disability, and The Project.
Christ The Good Shepherd Display
Coming up very soon is the end of Season 25. It is important time for me as this is the last display. Also because it is at a parish I’ve called home for most of my life.
Starting around First or Second Weekend of Advent, The Project, will be at Christ The Good Shepherd and will remain till the end of the Christmas Season. This will be my 21st year visiting.
To wrap up twenty-five years I would love to see a modest turn out of visitors to our parish during this display. I want people to have a chance to see my work in person and this is the final display of the year. It would really mean a lot for me and my work if people would consider stopping out this year and checking out our parish community. If you have never seen my work in person this is the perfect chance. Lets get the word out so others know what I’m doing.
Important Info:
The Lego Church Project (FB Page)
Twitter: @kc8wzm
Bluesky: @kc8wzm.bsky.social
EMAIL: kc8wzm@gmail.com
What a wonderful update! Your work is thriving!!
Thanks again for coming on. Always great to see the project. Thanks again for your witness.