A deep desire…
Since the early days of the Lego Church Project. I’ve always had this desire to share my work publicly. Usually by taking and setting up my work at various Parishes. The classic example is my annual Winter/Christmas display at Christ the Good Shepherd. I set up my work and people get a chance to see it in person. In fact if you see my stuff posted on social media. You know it is something I talk about. A lot.
A difficult road…
Finding locations to display at has always been a difficult road to travel on. I sometimes have a hard time telling people what I want to do and why. The simplest answer is that I don’t build this Project for myself. I build it because God has allowed it. My artwork is doing no good sitting hidden. It should be shared. Which goes in line with my mission statement. (Which I will share at the end).
What makes things more complicated for me is due to various reasons I don’t drive. Nor do I always have easy access to extra rides. So sadly that means I am limited in where I can take the project out to during a Season. I can’t really cold call/email a place to see if they want me out. Since they would have to provide the transport. Not only for the project but for myself. Need to be around to answer questions and such.
Which means I pretty much have to be invited by a parish and/or location. Since they have done all the research needed. They have seen the blog posts and other related stuff so they know what to expect. Sadly such invites are few and far between.
I could use some help…
I need help in getting the word out about my work and the mission behind it. Along with help in developing connections with parishes and groups to help make displays a reality. So far I haven’t been able to take Season 23 on the road. Which has been a personal struggle for me.
I also need a lot of prayers for Wisdom on which people to reach out to. Along with wisdom on how to move forward. I am willing to go where God sends me. Even if I can’t see how it could work out. I also have a personal devotion to Blessed Solanus Casey. So you can also ask for his intercession.
If you know of a parish and or group that might be interested in hosting my work for the summer. Have them check out this blog post: (Displays) and then have them send me an email! If you want to see The Project in person before hand. Drop me a note and I can give you the details. Or check the previous issues of this newsletter.
Lego Church Project Mission:
The mission of the Lego Church Project is to show no matter what challenge or disability that you face. God can still use your talents in amazing and creative ways.
As someone who has a mild form of cerebral palsy this is a message I live with daily! I am trying to build the faith one (LEGO) Brick at a time.
The Lego Church Project (FB Page)
Twitter: @kc8wzm
EMAIL: kc8wzm@gmail.com