Twenty years ago I started displaying my annual Lego Church Project at St. Helen’s (CTGS). Since that time I have been part of the parish community. I’ve had the chance year after year to bring my work and to show my unique and creative talents. What most people may not realize is that I have a disability. A mild form of cerebral palsy. “The Project” has become a ministry for me. Since I’m showing that no matter what challenge or disability you face. God can still use your talents. I am very blessed to be part of this wonderful parish. My thanks to everyone who has supported me over the years.
Starting Advent of this year. Season 24 will be at Christ The Good Shepherd Parish! The parish is located at: 2445 N. Charles St, Saginaw Michigan. That is a few blocks from Bay & Weiss. Mass times are Sat 5:30PM and Sun 10:30am. In most cases I am at the Sunday Mass. But if your coming out on Sat. Let me know!
Over on Building Faith I have a reflection that I wrote in more detail about this display and my reasons as to why this is so important to me.
Twenty years is a long time… (Building Faith)
Displaying The Project?
Once in awhile I have people come up to me and suggest a parish that I should display at! I have a wonderful write up that goes into that and how YOU (the reader) can help me out. I go into some details about why I need people to help me make connections in a parish!
Displaying The Project? (Building Faith)
All Saints/Assumption display recap!
At the end of Oct and first parts of Nov I was over visiting at All Saints and Assumption Parishes for three weekends of displays. I had an amazing time. I’ve been to both of these places before and it is always a lot of fun. Got to talk to some good people. My thanks to everyone who made these displays happen!
Building The Church!
The Daughters of St. Paul are raising funds to get a new car to replace the one that conked out back at the end of Oct. If you would like to find out more information or to donate please check out the link below:
Important Info:
The Lego Church Project (FB Page)
Twitter: @kc8wzm